Friday, September 28, 2012

Mathematicians at Work

Our mathematicians have been very busy this week!  They learned the Partial Sums and Column Addition methods for solving addition problems.  These methods simply present students with various ways to solve addition problems and places a big emphasis on place value.  With these methods, students receive a better understanding of how to solve addition problems and the "why" behind it all.  In addition to math, we did some work organizing and graphing data as well as finding landmarks (maximum, minimum, mode, & range) within data.  Next Wedneday, they will take the Unit 2 test.  Below, you will see pictures of our mathematicians hard at work....

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Great Site for Multiplication Practice

The link below is a great resource for your child to practice his/her multiplication facts!  It allows students to select which set of facts to practice and it is timed.  Please encourage your child to use this site to practice in preparation for their weekly timed test.  I also posted this link on Edmodo, so they also access it from there too.

Blinky's Buddy


This week's Blinky's Buddy is Ethan !  Ethan celebrated his birthday on August 30th.  In his spare time, he enjoys playing football.  He is currently playing for the Titans in the recreational football league.  His favorite food are apples and when he grows up he'd like to join the US Army. 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Classroom Service



             Each class at Bookman Road has a classroom service that contributes to improving or maintaining the pleasant environment and culture that we all love.  Our classroom service is Box Tops for Education.  Our class collects, sorts and counts Box Tops for the school.  How can you help?!?  Well, you can send in any Box Tops that you find on products that you buy for your family. Box Tops are usually found on all General Mills products (i.e. cereal, Pillsbury & Betty Crocker products, snack bars, fruit snacks, toilet tissue, & paper towels, just to name a few) and are found on some school supplies. Each Box Top is worth ten cents and will go toward doing great things at Bookman Road.  Please be on the look out for Box Tops and send them in if you run across any at home.

Exploring We Go!

   Our current unit of study is “Exploring the Great Unknown."  On Friday, we went and explored our school’s nature trail to help us better understand what the explorers we will be learning about, experienced on their expeditions.  During this unit, we will learn about several European explorers who went in search of a quicker route to Asia, the person who truly discovered North America, explorers of the United States and learn about some of the navigational tools explorers used long ago.  On Thursday, we will take our Continents and Oceans quiz and on Friday, we will have our Explorers Vocabulary quiz.  Below, you will find some pictures of our "explorers" on the Nature Trail.


Monday, September 17, 2012

Ready for a Great Week!

  I hope everyone had a restful weekend and are ready for a great week!  This week we have math MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) testing first thing Monday morning.  MAP is a computerized test that is individualized and provides me with valuable detailed information about your child's academic level.  This assessment will inform me of what areas your child are strong in and what areas they may need additional assistance.  You will receive MAP scores at your conference with me or with your child's interim report next Thursday. 
  Tuesday, we also have our Native American Unit Assessment.  Please make sure that your child spends some time reviewing the study guide in preparation for the test.  Lastly, we will have our first Mountain Math (timed multiplication) test this Thursday.  Everyone will be taking the 2's test and must have 100% accuracy before they can move on to the 3's.  They will have 90 seconds to complete the test, so studying the facts for a short time nightly will be the key to passing.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Nifty Neurons

During the first full week of school our class learned about neurons during our Brain Unit of Study.  We learned how neurons assist us in the learning process.  Below, you see several of our students creating models of a neuron using various tyes of pasta noodles.

Welcome to Our Class Blog!

     This year, I am going to try something new.  Rather than send home a newsletter every other week, I am going to maintain this class blog.  My goal is keep parents informed about the daily goings on of our class and what better way to do it than with a blog.  I will update this blog at least twice a week and I'll be able to share far more than I ever could with a newsletter.  Please check it at least once a week and let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Ashley J. Harris