Friday, December 20, 2013

Day 5 of Wax Museum Presentations

Here are our final historical figures for the Wax Museum....

                                           Marco Polo

                                                     John Marshall

                                                    John Cabot

                                                     Queen Isabella

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Day 4 of Wax Museum Presentations

Today, we learned about the following historical figures...

                                         Sitting Bull

                                         Dred Scott

                                                     Rosa Parks

                                                   Samuel Adams

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Wax Museum Presents... Day 3

Here are the historical figures from today...

                                        Hernando de Soto


                                                  Christopher Columbus

                                                    Amelia Earhart

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Day 2 of Wax Museum Presentations

Here are the pictures of the students that presented their historical figures in class today.  Check back tomorrow to see the others. 

                                         Daniel Boone

                                                   Ferdinand Magellan 

                                                   Harriet Tubman

                                                    Marco Polo

                                                    Abraham Lincoln

Let the Light Shine

Today, we started a brief unit on Light.  Below are a few links to websites that your child will find interesting and will help them to learn more about Light.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Wax Museum Presentations have begun....

Today, we had the first group of students present their historical figures to the class and everyone did an outstanding job!  Below you will find the pictures of our presenters from today.  Come back each day to see your child's picture. 

                                            Laura Ingalls Wilder

                                           Sojourner Truth

                                                        Leif Ericsson 

                                                         Davy Crockett

                                                      Christopher Columbus