Friday, January 31, 2014

Where has the time gone?!?

         It's been awhile since I've posted, but we are still very busy at work!  Over the past couple weeks, we've focused on division in math and are ready to move on.  As I previously mentioned, from this point forward, your child will mainly see division in the way of review and it won't be heavily emphasized again until 5th grade.  We will however, teach students the traditional way to solve division problems at the end of the school year.  On Monday, our entire fourth grade class, put on a wonderful Wax Museum for our school and for the PTO meeting attendees.  In science, we've moved from Light to Magnetism and next, Electricity.  In reading and writing, we are leaning about different types of poetry, figurative language that poets often use and students will start to dabble in a bit poetry writing themselves.  I'm going to post pictures below of the Wax Museum, Light investigations that we've completed in class and pictures from when we worked with Ms. Sharon Lone to build Snap Circuits.