Monday, October 8, 2012

Making it Happen Monday!

    It's wet and rainy outside, but our week is off to a great start!  We are well on our way with Unit 3, Multiplication and Division; Number Sentences and Algebra, in math.  Please make sure that your child is practicing his/her multiplication facts nightly.  The best way to quiz them is with flashcards (which can be homemade) and they can also use the link I posted on Edmodo for additional practice.  Starting next week, the timed multiplication tests, or Mountain Math, will be given every Wednesday.  The key to achieving 100% accuracy on each test is nightly practice.  Also, make sure that your child is completing a math Study Link nightly for homework. 
   We will take the Explorers unit test on Friday and start our first major Science unit next week, which is (Weather) Cloudy with a Chance of....  Explorers study guides will be sent home on Wednesday.  
  Please make sure that your child is reading at least 20 minutes every week night and completing his/her reading log with their personal best effort.  Each student should have a book that is "just-right" for them, which was checked out from our Media Center.  Also, encourage your child to read across genres.  We are currently learning various strategies that good readers use to better understand and comprehend what they are reading.  Ask your child to share one of the strategies they've learned with you. 
  On Thursday, I will send home graded papers and progress reports.  Please review these with your child and discuss/device a plan for making improvements or maintaining their current grades.  You can also see individual grades on Parent Portal.  After reviewing the progress report and graded papers, please sign and return them all to me. 

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