Wednesday, September 3, 2014

How's it Going?

     I hope that everyone had a great long Labor Day weekend!  I just wanted to update everyone on how things are going, so far.  Our class has been really exercising our LIFESKILL of flexibility as our projector is not working in our classroom.  Consequently, we are going back and forth between our class and the Multi-Media lab for instruction.  We are hoping that it will be repaired really soon.  Again, the kids have truly been wonderful with the moving.  
      Hopefully, many of you have noticed your child becoming more and more comfortable and proficient with Eureaka Math.  I have noticed a significant improvement within the last week and expect to see it improve even more.  Please remember that your child will have math (and likely other) homework nightly and it will need to be completed and returned to school the next day.  Homework is given for reinforcement of skills and concepts taught in class, so its completion is key for academic success.
   Today, we were able to go to the Media Center and all students checked out one fiction book.  Please make sure that your child is reading nightly and I will start sending a reading log home as part of homework next week.   
  Also, remember that Open House is tomorrow from 6:45- 7:45.  I think we will be finished well before 7:45, but please may plans to attend, if it is at all possible.

Students reading independently, after checking out books from our Media Center.

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